Atlanterhavsparken is miljøfyrtårn!

Atlanterhavsparken aims to educate people about marine life and contribute to sustainability through our guests going back to their own households, schools and businesses and making a positive difference. It goes without saying that we do what we can to stay informed and constantly updated on our environmental impact.

Large aquarium tank with fish and children looking on.

Becoming certified as miljøfyrtårn is a demanding process, but it has made us even more aware of our role. Here are the key aspects of our Miljøfyrtårn certification:

1. Positive environmental impact

We work holistically, systematically and long-term with measures that reduce our environmental impact and give us arguments and tools to pass on our experiences to our guests, suppliers and partners.

2. Credibility

Miljøfyrtårn is the first national scheme in Europe to be recognized by the EU. This is important for our guests, partners, suppliers and authorities.

3. Reduced costs

We believe that sustainability pays off, not only for the environment, but also on the bottom line. The certification requires a constant review of the organization's activities. There are always processes, routines, purchases, deliveries, etc. that can be carried out more efficiently, resulting in savings on waste reduction, lower energy consumption and smart transportation solutions.

4. Increased well-being and security for employees

Through the certification as Miljøfyrtårn , you must also work with our internal environment, including good routines for HSE and working environment.