About Atlanterhavsparken Aquarium

Since 1998, the Atlanterhavsparken Foundation has been one of Northern Europe's largest and most unique saltwater aquariums. In 2021, we also established Norway's first science centre with a marine profile. A visit to the aquarium and science centre gives young and old alike a genuine, engaging and educational experience through participation, wonder and interactive activities. Get up close and personal with life under the ocean in our spectacular showcase for the Norwegian coast and the Atlantic Ocean.

Large aquarium tank with fish and children looking on.

Along the Norwegian coast

The aquarium is a true architectural gem set in the spectacular landscape at Tueneset, 3 kilometres from Ålesund city centre. With views stretching out to the open ocean, the rich fishing grounds and the deep Norwegian fjords, visitors can observe, experience and learn about life in the ocean, on nature's terms.  We have more than 140,000 visitors annually and every day we give our visitors authentic experiences in authentic surroundings.

We aim to make your visit to Atlanterhavsparken as authentic, exciting, engaging and educational as possible. Welcome!


Our aim as a foundation is: "To operate a public aquarium and associated facilities in Ålesund, to disseminate knowledge about — and generate interest in — life in the ocean, and to illustrate the connection between marine resources and marine-based value creation, and conduct research related to marine life in partnership with other institutions."

Goals and vision

We will be a Norwegian aquarium, focused exclusively on Norwegian marine life and nature. We will be Europe's best and most distinctive experience centre focused on marine life and marine activities.

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