How to get here

Travel and directions

Atlanterhavsparken is located approx. 3.7 km from Ålesund's city centre. Visitors can catch a bus, drive, bike or walk here.

Large aquarium tank with fish and children looking on.


The regular bus service stops at Atlanterhavsparken every day except Sunday. In the summer season, the bus is marked "Akvariebussen" (Aquarium Bus).

Regular bus service

Car & taxi

We have free parking and the road is well-signposted as "Akvarium", separately from the city centre. You can also book a taxi if you don't have a car.

By car
From Ålesund city centre
3.7 km (8 min)
From Moa
15.1 km (21 min)
By taxi
Ålesund Taxi
Tel: 70 10 30 00
Call a taxi
Tel: 07012

Bike or walk

From the city centre, the distance to Atlanterhavsparken is approx. 3.7 kilometres. Follow the signs for the "Akvarium".

From Ålesund city centre
3.7 km (50 min)
From Moa
15.1 km (3 h 15 min)
From Ålesund city centre
3.7 km (22 min)
From Moa
15.1 km (1 h 6 min)
3.7 km