Learning opportunities for schools and kindergartens

Large aquarium tank with fish and children looking on.

When you visit us, you can discover Atlanterhavsparken on your own, or book various learning programs with a facilitator.

We recommend booking a learning program while still having enough time to discover the exhibitions inside, visit the animals outside, fish for crabs in the activity room and watch the feeding show. Our learning programs are designed for children and students according to age and curriculum.

What does this cost?

Discover Atlanterhavsparken on your own:
Kindergarten and primary school
65 Kr
VGS and students
75 Kr
Entrance with learning program at Møre Havlab:
Kindergarten and primary school
85 Kr
VGS and students
95 Kr
Entrance with learning program at Breisundet matverksted:
Kindergarten and primary school
95 Kr
VGS and students
105 Kr
Employees are admitted free of charge together with the class / kindergarten.

Learning programmes at the Science Centre

Contact Jeanette if you have any questions about Atlanterhavsparken's learning programmes.