We've got a new colleague!

Heidi will lead Norway's first marine regional science centre.

We've got a new colleague!

The Ministry of Education and Research has designated Atlanterhavsparken as the first science centre in Norway with a marine profile.

The Science Centre is a key part of the development of Atlanterhavsparken as the Norwegian Aquarium and will help to raise awareness of life in the ocean along our coast.

Heidi Bostad Roaldsand lives with her family on Vigra and has worked for Giske municipality for the last ten years as a kindergarten consultant on the chief executive's staff and as head of department at Valderøy lower secondary school. Heidi has also been pivotal to Giske municipality's science initiative and the regional development work through Sunnmøre Regional Council. She will take up the position on 1 April.

"The Science Centre at Atlanterhavsparken will give children, young people and local residents a resource centre for exploratory education within the field of marine science. The Science Centre will benefit visitors, educational institutions and the business community alike," says Heidi Bostad Roaldsand, adding that she is looking forward to the innovative and challenging task of developing the Science Centre at Atlanterhavsparken in time to open to the public by the summer of 2021.

As a science centre, new products and services are continually being developed for the public. This is opening up new opportunities to reach children, young people and leisure visitors with inspiration and knowledge of Norway as a port nation. The Science Centre exhibitions will add value to a visit to Atlanterhavsparken . Some of our offerings are now under production, while others are still at the planning stage. The first science centre exhibition will be ready during the winter of 2021.

Opens in the summer.

With the appointment of a manager, the team that will realise Norway's first marine science centre is now complete.

"We are thrilled that we now have a head of department for the science centre section and that Heidi has accepted the position," says Tor Erik Standal, Director at Atlanterhavsparken .

"There was strong interest in the position and many excellent applicants. 

We have already appointed an education officer and educator and, together with the other members of staff here at Atlanterhavsparken , we are now well-equipped to further develop the Science Centre, which is due to open this summer," concludes Tor Erik.

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