Autumn vacation on Atlanterhavsparken

The crab season is underway, and we are therefore running with a crab theme on Atlanterhavsparken the whole holiday. The program is full of both exciting news and well-known successes, so we can safely give you a "new knowledge" guarantee after a visit in the autumn holidays!

Autumn vacation on Atlanterhavsparken

Crab corner

We offer tastings and information about edible crabs in our crab corner on the 2nd floor.

When: Monday to Friday 11.00-14.00

Cinema in Møre Havlab

We invite you to the cinema, where you can learn more about the ocean ecosystem in a 3-minute movie

When: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at 11:15 a.m., 1:15 p.m. and 3:15 p.m.

There are 30 places per show, so you have to be early.

Sound lab in Møre Havlab

Come and be a music producer for a day and help us put your own composed music to a silent movie!

Recommended for children over 12 years of age due to the level of difficulty, and tickets are available from the ticket office on arrival.

When: Wednesday at 11-1230 at Møre havlab

The family's activity trail

On arrival, everyone who wants to will be given an exciting activity sheet, where we have collected a number of engaging tasks and challenges that the whole family can find here at Atlanterhavsparken . When the children have found and completed the various tasks, they can return the activity sheet to the ticket office to be able to take part in the draw for the day's prize.

When: All day, all holiday.

Activity room

We are extending the normal opening hours so that more people can experience this public favourite.

When: 11.30-12.30 & 13.30-14.30

Did you know that the witch crab picks up various things it finds and carries it on its back so that it can throw it at its enemy if it is threatened?
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