Helene Kjeldsberg

Marketing coordinator

Helene Kjeldsberg is employed in the position of marketing coordinator with responsibility for the marketing of Atlanterhavsparken , including social media, websites, profiling and much more.

Helene Kjeldsberg

Other staff at Atlanterhavsparken

Cathrin Åkre
Finance and administration manager/Funds
(+47) 482 76 832cathrin@atlanterhavsparken.no
Einar Totland
Operations employee/Development
Einar Wiik
Aquarist and dive manager/Facilitators
(+47) 469 88 110einar@atlanterhavsparken.no
Janne Britt Støle
Ticket Office and Shop
Joakim Hoff
Head of food and beverage/Facilities
416 46 429joakim@atlanterhavsparken.no
Juliann Clementsen
HR and Sustainability Manager/Facilitators
481 85 418juliann@atlanterhavsparken.no
Yvonne Diebel
Café Worker