Experiences at the Aquarium

Amongst islets and reefs

Get up close and personal with marine life in the surf zone. Enormous forests of kelp grow in this harsh environment.

Amongst islets and reefs

At the edge of the archipelago, where the open ocean breaks over cliffs and rocks, there is a fascinating, but harsh environment with challenging living conditions. Many organisms use the kelp forest as a place to grow or hide – or simply as food.

In early spring, thornback rays, lumpfish, cod and herring in large quantities swim in between these islets and reefs to spawn. Our "Islets and reefs" exhibition provides an insight into this vibrant and authentic coastal environment. If you're lucky, the thornback ray may even drop by to say hello!

*Multiple proposals are easier to accept.
*Are there any special considerations to be made in the student group, such as vision, hearing, mobility or anything else we as organizers need to know?
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Amongst islets and reefs
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