The Humboldt penguins are our international guests from Chile and Peru.
Penguins do not live in the wild in our part of the world. However, when our penguins arrived at Atlanterhavsparken, Humboldt penguins were the most endangered of the world's 17 penguin species. The Humboldt penguin is on the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) red list of endangered animals and is classified as vulnerable (2005). Atlanterhavsparken welcomed these penguins as a part of EEP, a European breeding programme for endangered species within the EAZA (European Association of Zoos and Aquariums).
The breeding project has been a great success - the penguins are thriving and very popular with the public. They have chicks almost every year and, in 2014, Atlanterhavsparken even exported five penguins to a zoo in France. Every day, you can catch the penguins at 2.30pm (from June and August inclusive, we also have a breakfast feeding session at 9.30am), with fascinating talks in both Norwegian and English - a popular way to learn more!